Support MOJOAA

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We Need Your Support


MOJOAA believes that Our Community is rich in talent and resources. MOJOAA knows that we can do all things if we work together.

If you share in this belief, we ask that you consider joining the MOJOAA family as a donor. Your tax-deductible donations are welcomed and greatly appreciated. MOJOAA is a 501(C)(3) NonProfit organization.
Donate Now

In Kind Donations

Funding that can be used for programming, often go towards items needed to build the show. Below are a few items we need:

-Rehearsal space in or near the downtown Raleigh area.

-Traditional and nontraditional performance venues

-Storage space for sets, costumes and props.

-Period clothing (we are building our costume wardrobe and will gladly accept donations of attire from the 40's, 50's, 60's or 70's.)

Please get in contact with us to arrange these types of donations.

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Thank you for your support!!

We Are Thankful For All The Support!